Brunker Club Lambs
and Poodles
KB Toy and Miniature Poodles Adults Page
I am proud of the adults I have. We started over 15 years ago with only one female who we raised a litter of puppies out of, from there we added another female and a male. By the time I started KB Poodles, I had our starting females: Blackie, Cokie, and Paisley, and added Hope and Scout -Oreo was my original sire and the sire of my current females. I kept select females that I raised and added males to my program. Meet my adults below:
My Adult Toy/Minature AKC Sires
Pepper is a sweet, smart AKC male I purchased. He is a miniature in size with longer legs but a stylish lean body. He has long ears and a great curly coat. He is 12" tall and 13 pounds.
Pepper is a sweet, smart AKC male I purchased. He is a miniature in size with longer legs but a stylish lean body. He has long ears and a great curly coat. He is 12" tall and 11 pounds.
Max Flame
Max is a fun, loving, AKC male I just purchased in 2022. He will be a toy. He has a great red coat and will bring down the size to toys of the females I breed him with. Max is 8 pounds and 8 1/2" tall
Max Flame
Max is a fun, loving, AKC male I just purchased in 2022. He will be a toy. He has a great curly red coat and will bring down the size to toys of the females I breed him with. 8 pounds and 8 1/2" tall.
MJ is a fun guy that loves attention. He is a beautiful deep red. He is 9 pounds and 9" tall.
MJ is a fun guy that loves attention. He is a beautiful deep red. He is 9 pounds and 9" tall.
I have been very happy with the puppies Oreo has produced. He is a miniature size at 11" tall and 11 pounds (Toy-Under 10" at shoulders). Oreo has a great coat and wonderful personality! Oreo is retired, but is the sire of our females that we are breeding now.
My Adult Toy/Minature AKC Females
Lulu is a sweetheart! She loves to play and is so upbeat! I raised her out of Blackie and Oreo. She is blue with white markings on chest. I am so happy with her. She is 10 pounds and 9' tall at shoulders.
Lulu is a sweetheart! She loves to play and is so upbeat! I raised her out of Blackie and Oreo. She is blue with white markings on chest. I am so happy with her. She is 10 pounds and 9' tall at shoulders.
Lulu is a sweetheart! She loves to play and is so upbeat! I raised her out of Blackie and Oreo. She is blue with white markings on chest. I am so happy with her. She is 10 pounds and 9' tall at shoulders.
Lulu is a sweetheart! She loves to play and is so upbeat! I raised her out of Blackie and Oreo. She is blue with white markings on chest. I am so happy with her. She is 10 pounds and 9' tall at shoulders.
Lulu is a sweetheart! She loves to play and is so upbeat! I raised her out of Blackie and Oreo. She is blue with white markings on chest. I am so happy with her. She is 10 pounds and 9' tall at shoulders.
Lulu is a sweetheart! She loves to play and is so upbeat! I raised her out of Blackie and Oreo. She is blue with white markings on chest. I am so happy with her. She is 9 pounds and 9' tall at shoulders.
Miss Bascom
Miss Bascom is a real sweet dog who loves Jerry Lewis Movies, Hollywood or Bust is her favorite! She is out of Paisley and Oreo. She is 11" tall and 7 pounds. She is just like her mom with a classy body style and forever loyal and loving.
Miss Bascom
Miss Bascom is a real sweet dog who loves Jerry Lewis Movies, Hollywood or Bust is her favorite! She is out of Paisley and Oreo. She is 11" tall and 7 pounds. She is just like her mom with a classy body style and forever loyal and loving.
Miss Bascom
Miss Bascom is a real sweet dog who loves Jerry Lewis Movies, Hollywood or Bust is her favorite! She is out of Paisley and Oreo. She is 11" tall and 7 pounds. She is just like her mom with a classy body style and forever loyal and loving.
Miss Bascom
Miss Bascom is a real sweet dog who loves Jerry Lewis Movies, Hollywood or Bust is her favorite! She is out of Paisley and Oreo. She is 11" tall and 7 pounds. She is just like her mom with a classy body style and forever loyal and loving.
Miss Bascom
Miss Bascom is a real sweet dog who loves Jerry Lewis Movies, Hollywood or Bust is her favorite! She is out of Paisley and Oreo. She is 11" tall and 7 pounds. She is just like her mom with a classy body style and forever loyal and loving.
Cocoa is out of Blackie and Oreo. She was a chocolate color that faded to a milky café latte color. She wants your attention and approval, so loving. She is 9" tall and 13 pounds.
Cocoa is out of Blackie and Oreo. She was a chocolate color that faded to a milky café latte color. She wants your attention and approval, so loving. She is 9" tall and 13 pounds.
Cocoa is out of Blackie and Oreo. She was a chocolate color that faded to a milky café latte color. She wants your attention and approval, so loving. She is 9" tall and 13 pounds.
Cocoa is out of Blackie and Oreo. She was a chocolate color that faded to a milky café latte color. She wants your attention and approval, so loving. She is 9" tall and 13 pounds.
Cocoa is out of Blackie and Oreo. She was a chocolate color that faded to a milky café latte color. She wants your attention and approval, so loving. She is 9" tall and 13 pounds.
I raised Snickers. She is out of Cokie and Oreo. She was a sable now apricot with black tips on her ears. She is a loving snuggle dog. She is 9" and 10 pounds.
I raised Snickers. She is out of Cokie and Oreo. She was a sable now apricot with black tips on her ears. She is a loving snuggle dog. She is 9" and 10 pounds.
I raised Snickers. She is out of Cokie and Oreo. She was a sable now apricot with black tips on her ears. She is a loving snuggle dog. She is 9" and 10 pounds.
Maisey is a super cool color! She was black and apricot, but has faded to a blue and apricot. She loves to play and is so upbeat! I raised her out of Cokie and Oreo. She is 9 pounds and 9" tall at shoulders.
Maisey is a super cool color! She was black and apricot, but has faded to a blue and apricot. She loves to play and is so upbeat! I raised her out of Cokie and Oreo. She is 9 pounds and 9" tall at shoulders.
Maisey is a super cool color! She was black and apricot, but has faded to a blue and apricot. She loves to play and is so upbeat! I raised her out of Cokie and Oreo. She is 9 pounds and 9" tall at shoulders.
Maisey is a super cool color! She was black and apricot, but has faded to a blue and apricot. She loves to play and is so upbeat! I raised her out of Cokie and Oreo. She is 9 pounds and 9" tall at shoulders.
Paige is out of Scout and Oreo. She is a curious girl who likes to run and play. She is 10" tall and 14 pounds. She also loves to eat and is a little overweight.
Bella is out of Oreo and Hope. She is a sweet and loving girl but can be a diva when it comes to getting her vaccinations.
She is 10" tall and 16 pounds. She also loves to eat and is a overweight.